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Posts tagged with Product
Keeping the kids occupied!
2018-06-06 14:39:40 UTC‘Scrunch’, based near Chichester, West Sussex, are expanding their portfolio of products at lightening pace, and commissioned Tidbury Photography once again to photograph their new childs silicone colouring mat. As always, the technical challenges made the product photography an interesting project. The images are for use in catalogues and online…
Life’s a beach…
2018-01-10 11:14:52 UTCFunkit World in Chichester, West Sussex commissioned me to photograph their range of kids beach products for use in catalogues and online. All product photography jobs pose their own challenges and this project was no different. However with some clever retouching I managed to deliver a range of really nice…
Jewellery photography…
2017-06-28 14:45:00 UTCKatie at Celestial Crystals in Portsmouth got in touch recently to ask if I could photograph her collection of crystal stone bracelets for her website and social media pages. Katie the Portsmouth based designer was chuffed to bits with the final photographs and we’re both looking forward to doing some…
2017-01-11 11:15:00 UTCTasked with photographing engineering components for display and marketing in Hampshire and London. Working closely with the client to achieve the photographs he wanted. This photograph shows one of the products in it’s final stage. The image has been post-produced and isolated against a green photographic background.